
National updates - March 2024

Have your say on what’s happening in education


The Welsh Government is conducting a formal consultation on the guidance surrounding the curriculum offer for 14- to 16-year-olds in Wales. As part of this, Miller Research has been commissioned to engage with parents and carers, including parent governors. As a parent/carer of a learner in Wales, your views on this matter are essential and will help shape the final version of the guidance Welsh Government publishes this summer term.

You are invited to share your views in one of two online focus groups taking place at the following times:
– Wednesday, 10th April from 6-7pm
– Wednesday, 17th April from 6-7pm

As a token of appreciation for your time, you will be compensated £35 via gift voucher for your participation.

The focus groups will be conducted in English, but if you would like to share your views through the medium of Welsh, we would be happy to engage with you in a separate online interview or small group discussion.

If you would like to participate in a focus group, please email [email protected] with your preferred date/time and language of participation.

14 to 16 learning under the Curriculum for Wales
Consulting on draft guidance:
– Explaining the legal requirements for a school’s curriculum for 14 to 16-year-old learners under the Curriculum for Wales.
– supporting schools in designing a curriculum offer which meets those requirements.
– Welsh Government’s priorities for learning and teaching in year 10 and year 11.

Submit your comments by 8 May 2024

National Updates

Practices and principles for schools’ use of social media.
A practitioner guide to the implementation of the Act from 1 September 2021 to August 2025.

Financial Education Toolkit – Curriculum design: Financial education.
This financial education toolkit offers ideas of how to support the design and quality assurance of a purpose-led offer of financial literacy as part of your school curriculum. It is not a checklist for curriculum design but provides useful prompts to consider your curriculum journey and what you might do next. This toolkit aims to help schools and settings reinforce the culture and aspiration of Curriculum for Wales to involve parents, carers and the wider community.

Updated February 2024Implementing the Additional Learning Needs and Education Tribunal (Wales) Act 2018: practitioner guide.
A practitioner guide to the implementation of the Act from 1 September 2021 to August 2025.


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01443 844532 / 029 2075 3685 [email protected]
Sam MacNamara – 07943 887275 / Jane Morris – 07957 969708