
National Updates - January & February 2024

National Updates

The Chief Inspector’s Annual Report 2022-23. What’s going well and what needs to improve in education and training in Wales?

School attendance policy: templates for schools – Welsh Government. Guidance to help primary and secondary schools draft their attendance policies.

Peer-on-peer sexual harassment in education settings: action plan – Welsh Government. Action plan to prevent and respond to peer-on-peer sexual harassment in education settings.

Improving attendance in secondary schools – Estyn. This report focuses on the strategies and actions that secondary schools were employing in order to improve pupils’ attendance. It also considers the support provided by local authorities. The report identifies strengths and areas for improvement in practice and the barriers school leaders identified to pupils attending school and therefore improving attendance. It also includes cameos and case studies of effective practice.

Education Wales Blog (February 2024) – Updates to the Curriculum for Wales Guidance

Improving attendance in secondary schools: government response

Have your say on what’s happening in education

You may be interested in reading the summary of responses to recent consultations:
Belonging, engaging and participating


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